It was a killer during my so call open house @raya celebration 2011. I've made my creamy mushroom soup, kari daging and kueh teow goreng.. mushroom soup and kari dikawankan with first choice mini bun.. sedap wooo :) Its a very simple menu but yet very fullfilling. biasaler since semua orang kat malaysia ni kalau open house buat menu hari raya kan.. macam lontong, nasi impit.. mine je a little bit different :)
200 gm Fresh mushroom..( preferred shitake mushroom), potong besar n kecik . kecik utk letak last. besar utk letak awal2.
Garlic (hancurkan)
Italian herbs (seketje, banyak sangat pahit)
black paper (to taste)
salt, sugar (to taste)
chicken stock (cube is ok, or you can do it yourself)
all purpose flour@ tepung gandum (segengam or 1/3 cups)
kentang (potong kecik2)
200 gm Fresh mushroom..( preferred shitake mushroom), potong besar n kecik . kecik utk letak last. besar utk letak awal2.
Garlic (hancurkan)
Italian herbs (seketje, banyak sangat pahit)
black paper (to taste)
salt, sugar (to taste)
chicken stock (cube is ok, or you can do it yourself)
all purpose flour@ tepung gandum (segengam or 1/3 cups)
kentang (potong kecik2)
creamer/whipping cream - 200ml
How to do it ?
How to do it ?
1. tumis garlic and italian herbs with olive oil and butter (tade butter, olive oil je pun ok. tapi i rasa lebih berlemak kalau ade butter ni). Just wait until naik bau yang wangi (bukan hangit ye).
2. put fresh mushroom (dah potong sederhana besar) , tepung gandum.. goreng agak2 garing seket. again jgn hangus ye kawan2 . sampai light brown. after that keluarkan n blender bersama2 air kosong/paip/sejuk or whatever. sebab kalau blend panas2 nanti rosak blender korang.
3. masukkan balik dalam periuk. taruk air ikut kepekatan yang disukai.
4. letak chicken stock.kentang (potong kecik2), mushroom (potong kecik2)
5. pepper,salt sugar to taste
6. Bila dah mengelegak..taruk creamer, kalau tade.. susu.. (rasa die lain seket la but still nice)
7. taruk serbuk cheese pun sedap!
tadaaa.. dah siap :) selamat mencuba! . Makan dengan garlic bread panas2 pun lagi la confirm bertambah2 uuols..
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