Simply delicious!! Thats all I can say... :)
I love baking, it gives me pleasure and peace of mind. Especially when the result is amazing and the crowd is great.. :) .. over hope la tu.. Hehehheheh ok.. ok..what i meant. the food should run out. The faster the better.. haha.. I'll be happy to make 2-3 batches as long as its run out.. Thats why I only waited for the right event/moment to make our try out something new. Ohh yeahh..
Anak-anak I tak suka sangat.. huk huk.. dierg memang tak hantu cookies pun..but her causin does.. I love when Aisyah said this " Ibu.. cookies ibu tu dah abes dah...cookies ibu tu sedapp.. " hahahaha.. manis nye lah mulut die. tapi I sukeeee! hahaahaha.. . best best..
Ok ok enough intro. haha
This recipe was given to me by My Boss. I've tried out 3-4 choc chips recipe but I think this one is the best. its crunchy.. chocolathy and very merry nice!! .. Really Boss, I cant thanked you enough for this.. Its really made my day!.. I've tried 2 times. but Im planning to do it next time but more choc chip and almond.. the bigger the better.. hahha.. will do it InsyaAllah.. nanti mak angah pass kat Aisyah banyak2 since Athirah tanak makan kan.. haha
So here it goes, the recipe:
Choc Chip ala-ala Famous Amous
125 gm butter
125 gm margerin
1 biji kuning telur
150 gm gula icing
1 sudu besar gula hangus or madu/molases
100 gm almond nip or hazelnut cincang
100 gm choc chip
1 sudu teh vanila
B ( di ayak dahulu)
280 gm tepung gandum
10 gm ( 1 sudu besar) cocoa powder
½ sudu teh soda bicarbonate
1. putar butter, margerin, gula icing, kuning telur, vanilla dan molases
2. masukkan tepung, coco powder, soda bicarbonate
3. masukkan badam, choc chip dan gaul rata
4. loggokkan dalm ½ sudu besar pada loyang pembakar
5. bakar 140darjah – 30 – 40 minit